Brand for children and parents detached from the earth, created during the full moon.
Kids on the Moon is a Polish children’s clothing brand, operating on the market since 2012, for children and parents detached from the earth, created during the full moon. It combines the world of nature with the world of children’s fantasy and a bit of adult perspective. Quotes from the world of film, literature and music are evident in the collections. The brand’s philosophy is based on the belief that aesthetic education begins at an early age and therefore it is worthwhile to surround children with beautiful objects. The brand plays with different conventions and styles. It cooperates with well-known artists thus promoting talent and passion. During several years of activity it has gained recognition of thousands of parents who have dressed their children in the company’s clothes. Excellent quality of fabrics, comfort and unusual prints are the main features thanks to which Kids on the Moon impetus entered the market of fashion for children. The brand has also been published in prestigious magazines such as Vogue Kids, Elle, Milk Mag and others. In 2015, the sister brand By the Moon was created, this time aimed at girls and women who appreciate quality and unusual design, and the company has significantly increased its target group.

Increased size of mailing base
in 6 weeks
The co-owners of both brands – Magda Rams and Asia Markert – came to us at the beginning of Pandemic, in March 2020. The company previously relied mainly on wholesale to stationary boutiques, reaching customers not only in Poland, but also across Europe, the US and even the United Arab Emirates and China. The collapse of the fashion trade show market, disrupted logistics chains and the severe effects of lockdowns in major markets in Italy and Spain, as in the overall economy, have taken a significant toll on sales performance.
Moon did not have developed online sales in its own channels. A quick response was needed to adapt to the accelerated digital transformation. Cloudwise conducted an audit of digital operations and identified the following challenges.
- Existing websites were not optimized for performance, UX/UI compliance, or SEO.
- No e-commerce analytics were being conducted due to lack of plugged in event tags or analytics tools. No activities focused on maximizing conversions.
- Own contact database was very limited and no conversion and loyalty activities were conducted on it.
- No activities to recover abandoned shopping carts were implemented.

© Kids on the Moon
We prepared recommendations and audit findings that were used to implement the new store. In order to maintain cost efficiency, the new site was created on the WooCommerce platform, which allowed for proper plugging of analytical tools. The site is still undergoing changes in terms of user experience.
We implemented campaigns in the Meta Ads network (formerly Facebook Ads), which already in the first month achieved a positive ROAS (return on marketing spend).
We started the lead generation process for the mailing database and moved the newsletter system to the GetResponse platform.
Goals achieved
- Extension of the newsletter database
- Campaign profitable from month 1 (positive ROAS)
- Stable and consistent improvement of ROAS and LTV
- Use of chatbot to collect leads
- Increased brand recall rate

© Kids on the Moon
We ran most of our core activities with the Moon team remotely under pandemic lockdown. At Cloudwise, we believe that it takes anywhere from 5 to even 20 points of contact with a brand to drive a sale to completion. Therefore, pro-sales campaigns have limited ability to scale without implementing a tight customer path or increased media spend.
Additionally, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a dramatic shift in businesses towards e-commerce, social media (including social commerce) and other digital channels. The closure of stationary stores and restrictions on movement have made e-commerce the natural choice for most of the retail industry. This has caused massive cost inflation, increasing CPM, CPC, CPA and other parameters across ad networks.
We recommended that you place a heavy emphasis on expanding your own contact base as a result. Email is still one of the best converting marketing communication channels, which additionally allows you to meet the goals of each stage of the online buying journey.
It takes anywhere from 5 to even 20 points of contact with a brand to drive a sale to completion.
Together with the Moon team, we prepared a content magnet, the so-called lead magnet – a printable coloring book. Closed nurseries, kindergartens and schools have left parents facing many dilemmas, often related to organizing time and activities for their kids. The printable coloring book was a great surprise and not only for the little ones.
The coloring book’s creations transported to a magical world of fairy tale animals, and the entire lead magnet also included short rhymes. Although the coloring book was intended primarily to reach new customers and was not pro-sales in nature, the booklet contained product images, and the coloring pictures themselves were based on prints available on clothing from the current Kids on the Moon collection.
We developed banner ads, native Facebook and Instagram newsletter sign-up forms, and a mailing trail, including a message with a download link. We used partner tools such as Zapier and GetResponse.
The results exceeded our expectations. Despite cost inflation in online media, we managed to acquire contacts at a record low CPL (cost per lead) – 70% lower than benchmarks. We increased the size of our mailing base by 1500% in 6 weeks. By Moon’s decision, after the success of the Polish version, it was also translated into English and German. The advertising creations brought not only subscriptions to the mailing base, but also direct conversions at attractive CPS rates (cost per sale). And this despite the fact that the creations were targeted at target groups at the top of the sales funnel, which were characterized by low brand awareness. In the following months, we managed to increase the share of sales from newsletters from 1% to 10% of total turnover and improve the customer lifetime value (LTV). Our adventure to the moon continues.
Thank you Magda and Asia from Moon for your trust! You can download the coloring book here.

Hidden interests
In enlarging the newsletter database, we used our application to search for hidden interests. Try the app and reach audiences that are not targeted by anyone else to increase conversion and buy ads at a discounted price.

Artur Suligowski
CMO, Cloudwise
More about Cloudwise
Cloudwise is a Polish marketing tech startup specializing in finding answers to the challenges of the rapidly changing digital world. We combine technology, data engineering and social media to build assets that generate scalable growth in business results. We complement the competencies of advertising agencies, media houses and software houses, including marketing automation and data science. Write to us and tell us about your project! Go to the contact form.
More about GetResponse
GetResponse is a modern platform that offers solutions for effective marketing and sales campaigns. GetResponse creates tools necessary for the growth of online and e-commerce companies, including email marketing, marketing automation (including scoring and tagging, web event tracking and abandoned cart), online forms, landing pages and webinars. The GetResponse-supported platform is available in 24 languages and is used by over 350,000 customers worldwide.
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