
Discover tools that work with our products and solutions.

  • Alteryx

    A platform for analytics automation, machine learning and data science.

  • Facebook / Meta

    View the results of your campaigns in a convenient dashboard, compare the most effective creatives.

  • GetResponse

    Convenient mailing system. Create e-commerce segmentations, recover abandoned shopping carts and automate your communications.

  • Google Ads

    View the results of your campaigns in a convenient dashboard.

  • Google Docs

    Transfer data from Cloudwise App to your Google Docs file.

  • Knime

    Software to create and deploy data science through a single, easy and intuitive environment.

  • LinkedIn Ads

    View the results of your campaigns in a convenient dashboard.

  • Shopify

    Integration of conversion results into analytics dashboards.

  • Slack (soon)

    Organize your team’s work and integrate Cloudwise applications into your business conversations on Slack.

  • Tableau

    Tableau can help anyone see and understand their data. A drag and drop interface to create visualizations and share them with one click.

  • TikTok

    View the results of your campaigns in a convenient dashboard.

  • WooCommerce

    Integration of conversion results into analytics dashboards.

  • Zapier

    Convenient transfer of results between external applications.

Switching language?

You've switched the language and there are items in the cart. If you keep the English language, the cart will be emptied and you will have to add the items again to the cart.